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     DJIA #: 42 - October 18-20, 2024     

The following are real testimonials from real users. Want to add your own? Email feedback@entryexpress.net.

Good morning,

Our catalogs arrived yesterday as you'd projected and they look great. This first event with Entry Express was flawless, no "kinks," no unpredicted costs; I especially appreciate your fast response time on all my inquiries. This was a delightful first experience.

We will use EE for future trials & hunting tests.

Thank you very much.

Virginia Sislane
Colonial Retriever Club

I cannot begin to tell you how using Entry Express has improved my job and changed my life as a Hunt Test Secretary for 2 dog clubs. I used to spend 2 weeks per event just deciphering the messy handwritten entry forms, calling handlers for missing information, and entering the data into a database. Photocopying and catalog production took over 3 hours. Photocopying and mailing paper premiums was a nightmare and very expensive for the clubs. Now that I've turned all of that over to you, I can TRAIN MY DOGS!!

Love you guys!!

Ann Heise, Event Secretary
Blackhawk Retriever Club, Inc.
Southern Minnesota Hunting Retriever Association

NW Iowa went to entry express also for both hunt tests and field trials. Watopa just went to Entry Express for their fall trial. We used it for our hunt test and two trials. Central Minnesota used it for their HT, as did Southern MN, Lake Country RC, Blackhawk for their HT, and of course NDRC as well as several others. What has been the outcome - talk to any club secretary - a miracle given to us from God! I can’t imagine someone on a club board having the nerve to be against using EE and at the same time not be willing to take on the job of event secretary – how selfish.

Here is what EE does for you.

1. Takes all the entries.
2. Takes all the checks.
3. Deals with all the “bounced checks”.
4. Mails the club a single check from EE for the Entries received.
5. Deals with all the scratches before the closing date.
6. Makes the catalogs.
7. Makes the Marshal sheets with info that tells the marshal which dogs and handlers are double staked.
8. Provides a running order on their website.
9. Provides confirmation that handler entries were received on their website.
10. Gives the club the opportunity to tweek/alter/change the running order after the entries are closed – this is done on their website from your home computer – very very easy.
11. Mails you the catalogs, “big check”, marshall sheets, and AKC handler entry forms to send to AKC after the event.

Here is what You do for EE.
1. Pay for the catologs only – incredibly cheap. Insanely cheap when you consider you are getting mush more than just a catalog.
2. Pay for shipping and handling.

Chad Engels - NDRC Hunt Test Chairman

This was our first time to use Entry Express and I would never return to the old method of being field trial secretary or living in the same house with the field trial secretary. I spent about 20 minutes one morning filling out the online premium. On Thursday morning I received a box containing programs wrapped in bundles of 20 and a check minus the fee EE charged and shipping. I then went to the bank and deposited one check. This morning I posted the results in about 10 minutes. Here is the list of some things that we did not have to do this spring 1. cut entry blanks submitted on 8 1/2 X 11 paper 2. call about omitted derby birthdays, incorrect handler of O/H stakes 3. track down people at the field trial for incorrect amounts of money submitted 4. total and re-total the checks and make sure the money matched the entry 5. transfer the entry information from the entry blanks to the printer I received several compliments on the quality of our field trial - Ed Aycock

Wanted to wait until the event was over and I had gone full circle with your entry service. I had told you that I would be giving you feedback relating with my first experience with Entry Express. In a nutshell, I am very much impressed with my first attempt.

I have always entered my show dogs in conformation shows using online services and could never figure out why the field events could not follow suit. When our club agreed to let me "test the waters" so to speak, I was thrilled. As you know, our club has one of the largest hunt tests in the country in the spring (648 dogs last year). Before I committed to that type of undertaking, we had decided to try our smaller event in the fall. We host two field trials and two hunt tests each year, so you can see the value of having the resources that your service provides.

From beginning to end, the whole experience has been a pleasant one. I have felt that you were very approachable with my suggestions or concerns, and the application has been very user friendly. My exhibitors were very happy with being able to enter online even up until the midnight hour, and the folks that wanted to send hard copy entries were pleased as well.

For me, I would say that the service alleviated a good 90% of my workload and the fact the our check was included with the catalogs made all the board members very happy. The invoice was clear and the catalogs costed out less expensive that what we had been paying and I never sent out a premium list or incurred postage costs. No last minute phone calls and no having to take a day off of work to prepare the entries for overnight delivery to the catalog person in another state.

I have had several clubs call or contact me regarding feedback as there are several still on the fence. I had basically told my club members that it was this or they could find a new mule to take on the role of HTS. I did not realize that the title came with a lifetime commitment, but at least I feel like I have a partner.

Please feel free to use me as a reference and thanks again for being there.


Sherie Catledge, President and HTS
Middle TN Amateur Retriever Club, Inc.

I have been using Entry Express for a couple of months and I have now realized how simple, fast and efficient entries can be. Your Field Trial programs are the best that I have seen at any trial.
Your online service is as good as it gets!

Dave Rorem

This is a great service. I hope more clubs get on board. I like being able to see who's running and who's judging. I especially like having all my dog's information available so I don't have to fill everyting in each time I enter an event. Great job!

Ken McNutt

Entry Express has been a big help for us. Being a part of the Super Retreiver series team, we have special needs and requests from Entry Express. They have made it alot easier and more organized for us. We went through some learning curves and most likely still will but we got it done and we are very pleased with the end results. I would recommend them to any organization. If they can get the job done with us then I know any clubs out there should be fully satified. Thanks Guys!!!!

Shannon Nardi
Producer Super Retreiver Series

As an Amateur entry express has made my dog trialing days easier. Entering Trials in minutes, getting up dates on upcoming events and making my time available for other things like training. This system works for me.

Stephanie Batman

I can't wait for the day when all field trials, that I enter, are using Entry Express! The effort to serve attitude expressed by this service is second to none. My first hand experiences have been as a FT secretary, FT judge and FT handler and all of my suggestions for improvements have "shown up" in the next catalog or on the web site.

Keep up the good work!

Brad Clow

PS: I am out of suggestions.................

This service is awesome! It enables me to be the HT and FT Secretary for our club, and still participate in other clubs field trials around the date of our events. A lot of the burden the event secretary bears is removed (mailings, deciphering illegible entries, etc.). Your service is well thought out and very, very good.

Martha McCool

I haven't been as thrilled with anything in a very long time!

Entries used to take me at least 1 1/2 hrs AND I had to wait until I got the premium AND call & get info when I didn't get a premium. Just calling to get information can be a big deal. Like when the FTS has changed from last trial and when the FTS's info in "Callbacks" is incorrect and then - trying to reach someone.

NOW - I can enter WAY in advance and make changes up to closing and it takes 3 minutes per trial TOPS.

And no matter what help I need, when - I get it immediately.

EVERY CLUB SHOULD USE EntryExpress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan Schrader
Two Step Kennels

Very easy to enter your dog(s) online in each field trial you want to enter...Verification is very fast....I like this method because you can see who entered, number of dogs, who is judging, and also check the results from other trials online....

Eugene McNabb

Hi, I have just started logging on to entryexpress lately, but I think it is going to be a great sucess. I can look up trials, see who is judging and how many entries. I have used the catalog at Mo. Valley Hunt Club trial and liked the looks. Hope to enter online for one of the trials soon. Much easies than filling out the premiums. Good luck!


EntryExpress is a very innovative concept both from an event giving club and participant point of view. It represents the future for entering dog events and also for managing entries. After entering you dog's information you can literally enter an event at the click of a button. No more wondering if the delivery service will get your entries there on time, you know instantly that you have been entered.

Ed Aycock

Entry Express will undoubtedly be remembered as the most significant development of the twenty first century. God Bless you.

Bill Burks

I have been using Entry Express since the beginning of the summer to enter all of Mark Edward's dogs in the Trials. I have found EE to be very helpful, always willing to answer my dumb questions, and very available, always prompt. I appreciate Entry express making my job easier. We will also be using EntryExpress for our Field Trial December 10-Shreveport-Bossier Retriever Club, and I am looking forward to working with EE on this project, sure will make my job easier as Field Trial Secretary. I have also found the cost to be reasonable. Thank you for providing us with a quality product.

LindaAnn Bozeman

What a convenience it is to have such quick access to a trial. As you know I am a novice computer user, and even I can use your system. When I had problems trying to understand what to do, you were right there giving me added instructions by phone. Thanks for all your help and thanks also for reinventing the entry process.

Barb Howard

Dear Entry Express,

Entry Express is a wonderful new tool for the field trial game. Speaking as a club officer and a handler when you approach us about the idea we were all for it. They take care of printing and mailing out the premiums and the catalogs are less expensive than what we had been paying.

From a handlers stand point if you can register online you are crazy not to once your dog info is listed in the computer it takes about 1 minute to enter a trial. If you’re like me I would wait until the last minute to send them in so I was paying an overnight charge anyway. This is one of the best services available to us.

Larry Morgan
Brighton, Colorado

After using EntryExpress this last summer, my biggest disappointment was finding out that I couldn't use EntryExpress to sign up for every event. I look forward to what I'm sure will be increased club participation next year.

Wayne Jensen, DVM


Congratulations on an innovative idea. Excellent site. I would like to see more clubs using your company. It is very convenient for handlers to have the ablility to see the running order of each test/trial (and competition).

Just tried your online entry.....
It is a teriffic website, and a great service. I hope our participants are as enthusiastic as I am about your product.
P.S. Posted a puppy ad in your classified section too!

Just thought I'd drop you a bit of positive feedback and let you know that I think Entry Express is great! I am a member of Idaho Retriever Club, ( actually the club secretary), and was very interested to see how things went with Entry Express.

As far as I am concerned, Entry Express is the way to go. The catalogs were great! They were accurate, well put together, and the page in the back that listed the handler and which dog #'s in which stake was really nice! ( The Pros REALLY like that one!) I did not hear ANY negative comments about the catalogs all weekend.

I marshaled 2 stakes over the course of the weekend and the Marshal's sheets were exactly what I wanted. Anyone who has ever marshaled will tell you exactly how nice it is to have the handlers and their dog #'s for each stake at your fingertips. It saved me a lot of time and frustration looking it up. I kept track of the other stakes call backs with it so I knew if someone was still in at another stake or if we could expect them to be at our stake.

As far as entering the trial with Entry Express, I REALLY like that too! It was very fast and easy to do. It was really nice to KNOW that the entry was there. Anyone who has ever had an entry get lost in the mail can relate to that! It also was great to be able to look up and see the draw posted on the page!

I realize that there may be people who don't like the $3.00 fee, but, they need to understand that there is a cost for credit card transactions. My husband and I decided that our time is worth something too, and it is worth the $3.00 to us to do the entry online, and KNOW that the entry is in and accurate without having to mess with printing them out, stuffing an envelope, writing a check, mailing it, and hoping it gets there in time.

I have been to many draws for Field Trials and Hunt Tests. It is very difficult to explain to anyone who hasn't seen that side of it ( which includes MANY people who run trials ), how much the on-line entry reduces the workload for the Trial Secretary. It eliminates all those last minute phone calls, faxes, e-mails and the ever popular " I sent the entry yesterday, what do you mean you don't have it " phone calls.

Entry Express is the way to go as far as I am concerned. I intend to be very vocal about it at our next board meeting for the club!

Laura Foster -- Wyldfire Retrievers

We were very pleased with our catalogs for last weeks trial. Participants found them easy to read and use. We are planning to use EntryExpress to manage the entries and catalog for our 2004 fall trial Oct 30-Nov 1 .

Marv Baumer
Metro Alliance Retriever Club

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