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Entry Express provides low-cost, convenient entry services to host clubs and entrant handlers.
All entries (online, mail, or email) & other transactions are charged a $6.85
service fee to help offset staff expenses, programming, and other overhead costs.
Entries and other transactions made by phone requiring Entry Express support involvement are subject to a $25 service fee.
ALL DOGS to be removed from entry are now processed online 24/7, just like you entered. Entry Express refunds your entire entry fee
but does charge a processing fee to cover administrative costs. Removal fees are
$4.50 per dog
removed for limited master stakes. All other stakes/venues will have a stepped removal fee structure. Dogs removed within 24 hours of entry will be charged
$4.50 per dog removed.
Dogs removed more than 24 hours after entry up to closing will be charged $10.00
per dog removed. If you are requesting that an entry be removed due to injury or heat cycle you must have the event secretary forward evidence of the
facts to Entry Express Support prior to the event close.
The waitlist feature for stakes with an entry limit costs a non-refundable $10 per dog listed. Once you have waitlisted a dog, you have the
option of removing the dog from the waitlist if you decide later to not enter the dog, at no additional fee. If your waitlisted dog remains
on the waitlist when an entered dog is removed from entry prior to the event entry close, your dog will be automatically entered in the event and
YOUR DOG FROM THE WAITLIST PRIOR TO AN ENTRY SLOT BEING AVAILABLE. Entry from the event waitlist occurs on a first waitlisted/first entered basis.
Catalogs Sample Catalog Pages |
Pricing for club catalogs:
Due to vendor issues, the rising costs of producing and delivering printed catalogs, and the unreliability of delivery services, Entry Express
began offering an electronic catalog (eCatalog) in March 2022. We create, format, and distribute an electronic catalog (eCatalog) and a call back
sheet, both in pdf format, to each entrant in the test or trial. While the eCatalogs offer significant cost savings to clubs, we've received
feedback from several clubs that they prefer to continue using printed catalogs. As a result, we now offer both an eCatalog and a printed catalog
option. In bringing back the printed catalogs, we have reduced the required minimum order quantity for printed catalogs from 75% of the total number
of entries to 65%. As before, we will have two tier pricing for printed catalogs. Up to 250 entries = $3.75/catalog. Over 250 entries = $4.20/catalog.
Comparative example assuming a 250 entry event.
eCatalog - 250 entries x $0.80 = $200.00
Print Catalog - 250 entries x 65% min order quantity = 162 catalogs x $3.75 = $607.50 + shipping.
Old pricing for print catalog - 250 entries x 75% min order quantity = 187 catalogs x $2.50 = $467.50 + shipping.
The new pricing is effective for events that close on or after 5/2/2022.
The entire event is managed by you and your other club administrators, online,
using our tools. You set up the event, the stakes, dates, judges,
entry fees and the premium. You'll be able to view your entries in
real-time as they come in online and mailed entries are added the day they are
received. The event automatically closes on the date you specify and the
draw is ran. You then have the ability to "tweak" the draw and finalize
it before the running order is posted and catalogs are printed. Click
here to see the "draw tweaker."
Set up your event early so handlers can get it on their calendars. It will
show up in the EntryExpress.NET event search as soon as you set it up.
Entries will open when you "finalize" the event.